NT Termination Blocks
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Spec Sheet
Today’s ever-changing network deployments frequently require wires to be reterminated, relocated
or rewired. That rewiring can quickly degrade the quality of wire terminations. ADC has developed
products like the LSA-PLUS
NT block to maintain superior connectivity through hundreds of
reterminations and deliver the best electrical performance in the industry. The LSA-PLUS NT block is
a high–density solution that utilizes the silver plated, world renowned LSA-PLUS contact principle.
Its gas-tight contacts ensure a reliable and long lasting connection.
System side contacts and the cross connections on the LSA-PLUS NT block are situated
perpendicular to one another, increasing pair density while decreasing the chance of accidental
tampering of system side terminations. Both test access and cross–connect contacts are accessible
from the front, and the block can be easily released to access system side contacts for new wiring
or rewiring.
The LSA-PLUS NT block’s unique perpendicular configuration of the system and cross-connect sides
creates additional space. Its vertical mounting pitch of 17.5 mm results in a vertical space savings
of 21% over LSA-PLUS Series 2 solutions.