Breath Alcohol Test
• Read These Instructions Completely
• Do Not Use If Expired
• Make Sure Crystals Are Yellow Before Using The Test
Before You Test
This Is Not a Self Test.You Should Never Test Yourself.
Alcohol impairs judgement. Have someone who has not
been drinking help you conduct the test and read the results.
Please see other side of this pamphlet for important information.
If the test subject cannot wait, have
subject rinse his/her mouth with water
before taking the test. This removes
alcohol vapors in the mouth that could
cause a false positive result.
Wait 15 Minutes After Last
Alcoholic Drink.
Subject should hold Detector vertically so
arrows on “BLOW” end are pointing down.
Subject should then BLOW/EXHALE very
hard into tube, in one continuous breath, for
12 seconds. Shake the Detector side-to-side
to distribute the crystals evenly in Detector
window. Lay Detector on flat surface and
Hold Vertically So Arrows
Are Pointing Down and
Blow for 12 Seconds.
Read The Results
• The color change may be difficult to see under certain
lighting. For best results, read under lighting such as
incandescent, fluorescent, or indirect sunlight. A flashlight
with an incandescent bulb can be used to help read the
result. Hold the flashlight to the side so that the light does
not fall directly on the Detector.
• Compare results to an unused Detector or to the Yellow
box. If most of the crystals are not GREEN or BLUE (under
the suggested lighting), then the result is negative.
• Detector results may not be reliable if testing is not
conducted according to these instructions.
Positive Results: Most of crystals are
cast. This shows that the breath alcohol is
at or above the level printed on the Detector.
Negative Results: Most of the
crystals, are light YELLOW. This shows
that the breath alcohol is below the level
printed on the Detector.
The YELLOW does not have to match the
unused Detector. It may be much lighter or
paler YELLOW than an unused Detector.
Step 4
Squeeze the middle of the Detector
between thumb and forefinger to break
inner glass tube.
Use the Detector immediately.
Squeeze Only Once, Do Not
Crush or Bend Tube.