Congratulations on the purchase of your Bushnell
. The
Velocity is a precision speed radar instrument designed to provide
many years of enjoyment. These instructions will help you achieve
optimum per
formance by explaining the adjustments and features as
well as how to care for this precise speed measuring instrument. To
ensure optimal performance and longevity, please read these
instructions before using your Bushnell Velocity.
Your Bushnell Velocity uses digital technology to provide instantaneous
speed measur
ements to +/- One-Mile per Hour (MPH) accuracy. The
Bushnell Velocity is a simple, point and shoot radar gun for all kinds of
sports enthusiasts. The Bushnell Velocity measures the speed of a
baseball at 10-110 MPH from 90 feet away from the ball, and the
speed of a racecar from 10-200 MPH at 1,500 feet away.
Your Bushnell Velocity operates on two C alkaline batteries. To install,
remove the battery cover by rotating the battery cap counterclockwise.
Insert both batteries positive end first and replace cap by depressing
and rotating clockwise.
Turn the Velocity “ON” by pressing the button underneath the LCD display.
2. Aim the Velocity at the target and depress the TRIGGER. As a quick
reference to accuracy, remember to keep your targets direction of
travel in a direct line with you and not perpendicular to you.
3. Turn the Velocity “OFF” by pressing the button underneath the LCD
Display for 3 seconds or until display shuts off.
NOTE: The Velocity contains an automatic battery saving shut-off
feature. After 10 minutes of non-use, the Bushnell Velocity will
automatically shut off.
If a battery symbol appears on the lower right hand corner of the
display, the battery voltage is beginning to deteriorate meaning new
batteries should be inserted. Remove batteries if storing long-term.
A tar
get can be anything that is moving faster than 10 M.P
.H. T
acquire the speed of a target, with the Velocity powered on, aim the
elocity at the target and depress the TRIGGER. An icon will appear
in the upper right corner of the LCD display. This indicates the Doppler
Radar is functioning. The radar will continue to be active sear
ching for
speed until the trigger is r
Upon r
elease of the trigger
, the
fastest speed captured within that series will automatically be displayed.
The speed of the target will appear on the LCD display in MPH.
There are certain mathematical properties of Doppler Radar that affect
the accuracy of your Bushnell Velocity. Please read COSINE AFFECT
ARGET VELOCITY below. As a quick reference to accuracy,
emember to keep your tar
gets dir
ection of travel in a dir
ect line with
you, and not perpendicular.
The Velocity will measure the relative speed of a target as it approaches
the Velocity. If the target is in a direct line (collision course) with the
elocity the measured speed will be exact. As the angle of incidence
eases, if you move either right or left of this dir
ect line, the accuracy
will decrease. The measured speed will decrease as you move off this
centerline. This phenomenon is called the Cosine Effect. It is called
this because the measur
ed speed is dir
ectly r
elated to the cosine of the
angle between the Velocity and the target’s direction of travel.
Model #: 10-1911
Lit. #: 98-0338/11-03