Single-Package Marine Cooling Units
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations
Printed in U.S.A. 90MA-3SI SUPERCEDES FORM 62-02971-00 09-2009
Pg 1
Installation, Operation and Service Instructions
The 90MA/MU Units are designed to provide safe and
reliable service when operated within design specifications.
However, due to system pressures, electrical components,
and equipment location, some aspects of installation,
operation and servicing of this equipment can be hazardous.
Only trained, qualified installers and service technicians
should install, operate, and service this equipment.
When working on the equipment, observe all precautions
on tags or labels attached to the unit. Safety notes in the
literature, and any other safety precautions that apply.
• Follow all safety codes.
• Wear safety glasses and work gloves.
• Use care in handling, rigging, and placing bulky
Never reach into unit while fan is running. Lock
open and tag power disconnect before working
on a fan. Remove the fuses and take them with
you after noting this on tag.
Check assembly and component weight to be
sure rigging equipment can handle them safely.
Note also any specific rigging instructions.
When steam cleaning coils, be sure area is
clear of personnel.
The 90MA/MU water cooled single-package cooling units
are designed to provide air conditioning aboard marine
vessels. The 90MA units are fitted with a water cooled
condenser and are factory charged, wired and piped. The
90MU units are similar to the 90MA except they are
configured for use of a remote mounted condenser.
An accessory discharge plenum may be installed to
provide free-blow into the conditioned space. Also, an
optional electric heater may be specified to provide comfort
Step 1 - Inspect Unit - Check unit against shipping order.
Inspect carefully for concealed shipping damage. If shipment
is damaged or incomplete, file claim with transportation
company and advise Carrier Transicold immediately.
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS........................................1
GENERAL .....................................................................1
Step 1- Inspect Unit .......................................................1
Step 2 - Protect Unit from Damage................................1
Step 3 - Provide Unit Support ........................................1
Step 4 - Rig and Place Unit............................................8
Step 5 - Install Accessory Plenum (If Supplied) ............8
Step 6 – Check Fan Shaft and Wheel Alignment...........9
Step 7 - Install Ventilation Ductwork (If Required)..........9
Step 8 - Check Return-Air Filters ...................................9
Step 9 - Check Compressor Spring Mounts
(*08 & *12)................................................................9
Step 10 - Make Condenser Connections .......................9
Step 11 - Install Unit Drain Line ...................................11
Step 12 - Make Electrical Connections ........................12
To Start Unit.................................................................12
To Shut Down Unit.......................................................12
Service Valves .............................................................12
Return-Air Grill Removal..............................................13
Access Panel Removal................................................13
Evaporator Fan Adjustment .........................................13
Lubrication ...................................................................13
Return-Air Filters..........................................................13
Condensate Drains ......................................................13
Evaporator Coil ............................................................14
Water Regulating Valve ...............................................14
Condenser ...................................................................14
Charging the System....................................................15
Evaporator Fan Motor Removal...................................15
Pressure Relief Device.................................................15
Crankcase Heater........................................................15
Protection Device...................................15
Discharge And Suction Pressure Switches..................16
Oil Charge....................................................................16
WIRING SCHEMATIC - *04/*06...................................17
COMPONENT ARRANGEMENT - *04/*06..................18
WIRING SCHEMATIC - *08/*12...................................19
COMPONENT ARRANGEMENT - *08/*12..................20
UNIT SUPPORT DRAWINGS .....................................21
Step 2 - Protect Unit from Damage - To maintain warranty,
protect unit against adverse weather, theft, or vandalism on
job site.
Step 3 - Provide Unit Support - Refer to Figure 2 and
Tables 1A/B/C/2A/B/C for unit size and weight. If desired,
construct a frame of I-beams or angle iron that adequately
supports unit. See unit support drawings contained in this