381333–230 C
50 Hanover Road, Florham Park, New Jersey 07932–1591 USA
For sales or service call 1 800 800–2726 (ASCO) www.ascopower.com
ASCO POWER TECHNOLOGIES CANADA PO Box 1238, 17 Airport Road, Brantford, Ontario, Canada N3T 5T3
telephone 519 758–8450, fax 519 758–0876, for service call 1 888 234–2726 (ASCO) www.asco.ca
Series 386 Electrically–Operated
Non–Automatic Transfer Switches
D–design 30 through 230 amps
DANGER is u sed in this m anual to warn of high
voltages capable of causing shock, burns, or death .
of possible personal injury.
of possible equipment damage.
30–200 amp sizes
Note: Refer to the outline and wiring drawings
provided with your ASCO Series 386 Non–Automatic
Transfer Switch for all installation and connection
details and accessories.
An experienced licensed electrician must install the Non-
Automatic Transfer Switch.
Rating Label
Eac h Non-Autom atic Tr an sfer Switch contains a ratin g label
to define the loads and fault circuit withstand/cl osing ratings.
Refer to the label on the Tr ansfer Switch for specific values .
Do not exceed the values on the rating label.
Exceeding the rating can cause personal injury
or serious equipment damage.
Identific ation Label
The identification label on the Transfer Switch includes
data for each specific ASCO Series 386. Use the switch only
within the limits shown on identification label.
INSTALLATION 1-1........................
Functional Test 1-2........................
TESTING & SERVICE 3-1..................
Troubleshooting 3-2.......................
ADJUSTMENTS 4-1.......................
OPTIONAL FEATURES 5-1.................
INDEX back cover.........................