Operator’s Guide
The purpose of this Operator's Guide is to provide basic operating procedures for this
equipment. For more detailed information see the Operator's Manual.
(Hard keys)
Key name Function
MENU key Shows/hides the menu bar.
DISP key Shows/hides DISPLAY MODE menu.
MOB/WPT key Short press: Enters a waypoint. Long press: Enters the MOB mark.
TLL/GOTO key Sets the waypoint or route as destination.
ROUTE key Creates the route.
CLEAR key Silences the audible alarm; erases the various windows one by one.
Long press: Turns power off.
Short press: Turns power on. Shows the BACKLIGHT window.
Cursor pad
Moves the cursor.
(Sounder) Moves the time cursor.
Changes the range.
-: Shrinks the scale, and expands image.
+: Expands the scale, and shrinks image.
Hard keys
See below.
ENTER knob
Rotation: Selects menu items.
(Sounder) Moves VRM.
Push: Confirms entry.
Soft keys
Changes function according
to screen in use.
Card slots
Drive for chart/memory cards.