In this article I will be examining the HP Z3200, HP’s latest Large format printer. The Z3200 is essentially an update of the Z3100
released in late 2006. Externally the printer appears virtually identical to it’s predecessor, yet internally the printer has been revised and
upgraded. Perhaps the most obvious change Z3200 is the reformulated “Chromatic Red Type 73” cartridge which replaces the standard
“Red Type 70” of the Z3100. The Z3200 also benets from numerous tweaks to the drivers, hardware, and printer rmware that con-
tribute to creating a noticeable better product. Due to the many shared similarities between the Z3100 and Z3200 many portions of this
review are borrowed directly from my original review of the Z3100, all sections have been updated, the screen shots are new, and the
conclusions has been rewritten to reect the most recent offerings from the competition.
The Z3200 is a beautiful piece of machinery. If all it could do was toast bread it would still be an achievement in industrial design. Its
smooth black sloping lines give it an aerodynamic appearance, and I’m happy HP invested some time and energy into this aspect of their
The box that the Z3200 ships in is identical to the Z3100 and HP again wins point in my book for best packaging design. The printer is
easily unpacked by one person with minimal difculty. The shipping crate’s top is removed revealing the printer, and all the components
HP DesignJet Z3200
User Report
by Julian Mussi
© Spectraow, Inc.
Nov 2008