C7772A, F, G
Wallplate Temperature Sensor
The C7772A series of Wallplate Temperature Sensors are
designed to be used with the Excel 5000 family and other
Honeywell controllers. The C7772F Series is designed to be
used with the TB7600, TB7300, and TB7200 Series
communicating thermostats and other controllers that require
a 10K ohm NTC Type II sensor. The C7772G is designed to
be used with WEBs-AX I/O modules and other controllers that
require a 10K ohm NTC Type III sensor. The C7772 sensors
provide a resistive output signal proportional to sensed room
or space temperature. The C7772 is well suited for low-profile
wall-mounted applications where durability and tamper-proof
construction is desired, such as schools, prisons and
• Low profile when mounted on industry standard utility
conduit box.
• Rugged, brushed stainless steel wallplate.
• Integral foam pad isolates wallplate sensor from conduit
• Insulated screw terminals ensure reliable field wiring
• Models available with a variety of resistive temperature
sensor elements.