Quick-Start Guide
SwitchLinc V2 Relay (#2476S)
Your new SwitchLinc Relay allows you to control lights and other non-dimmable
devices in your home at the touch of a button.
SET Button
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn sshhoouulldd bbee ppeerrffoorrmmeedd oonnllyy bbyy aa qquuaalliiffiieedd eelleeccttrriicciiaann,, oorr bbyy aa hhoommeeoowwnneerr wwhhoo iiss ffaammiilliiaarr aanndd ccoommffoorrttaabbllee wwiitthh eelleeccttrriiccaall cciirr--
ccuuiittrryy.. IIff tthheerree aarree aannyy qquueessttiioonnss,, ccoonnssuulltt aann eelleeccttrriicciiaann.. FFoorr sseettuupp qquueessttiioonnss ccoonnttaacctt TTeecchh SSuuppppoorrtt aatt SSmmaarrttLLaabbss ffoorr gguuiiddaannccee..
TToooollss yyoouu wwiillll nneeeedd::
•A standard screwdriver.
•A Phillips screwdriver.
•A wire cutter/stripper.
NNeeeedd HHeellpp?? FFoorr aassssiissttaannccee ccaallll yyoouurr ffrriieennddllyy
ssuuppppoorrtt ppeerrssoonn @@ 886666--224433--88001188
Installing Your SwitchLinc Relay
Step 1. Be sure you have properly installed at least two SignaLinc RF Signal Enhancers (sold separately).
Step 2. At the circuit breaker or fuse panel, disconnect the power for all of the circuits in the switch junction box.
Step 3. Remove the faceplate from the switch junction box, then unscrew the switch and pull it out from the junction box.
Step 4. Disconnect the wires from the switch you are replacing and ensure you have 1/2” of bare wire on the ends.
Step 5. If you are installing the SwitchLinc into a
ttwwoo--wwaayy cciirrccuuiitt
(where one switch controls the load), follow the diagram below
to identify and connect the LINE, LOAD, NEUTRAL, and GROUND wires. If the colors of the wires do not match the
diagram, be sure you have identified the wires correctly before connecting them.
Step 6. If you are installing into a
mmuullttii--wwaayy cciirrccuuiitt
(where more than one switch controls the load), consult the User’s Guide.
Step 7. Ensure that all wire connectors are firmly attached and that there is no exposed copper except for the GROUND wire.
Step 8. Orient the SwitchLinc with the LED bar at the left, gently place it into the junction box, then screw it into place.
Step 9. Turn the circuit breaker back on or reinstall the fuse.
Step 10. Test that the SwitchLinc is working properly by turning the light on and off.
Step 11. Reinstall the faceplate.
The NEUTRAL wire will not normally
be connected to the switch you are
replacing. If there is no NEUTRAL
wire in the junction box, please con-
sult an electrician or call
SSmmaarrttLLaabbssTTeecchh SSuuppppoorrtt
•Optional: A #1 Phillips screwdriver to change the paddle color (sold separately).
•A voltage tester to identify wires inside the junction box.
SSmmaarrttLLaabbss LLiimmiitteedd WWaarrrraannttyy
SmartLabs warrants to the original consumer of this product that, for a period of two years from the date of purchase, this product will be free from defects in material and workmanship and will per-
form in substantial conformity to the description of the product in the owner's manual. This warranty shall not apply to defects or errors caused by misuse or neglect.
©© CCooppyyrriigghhtt 22000066 SSmmaarrttLLaabbss,, 1166554422 MMiilllliikkaann AAvvee..,, IIrrvviinnee,, CCAA 9922660066--55002277
886666--224433--88001188 wwwwww..ssmmaarrttllaabbssiinncc..ccoomm
SwitchLinc V2 Relay (#2476S)
Quick-Start Guide
NNeeeedd HHeellpp?? FFoorr aassssiissttaannccee ccaallll yyoouurr ffrriieennddllyy
ssuuppppoorrtt ppeerrssoonn @@ 886666--224433--88001188
In a virtual multi-way circuit, only one SwitchLinc Relay, called the SwitchLinc Primary, actually controls the LOAD in the multi-way cir-
cuit. Any additional SwitchLinc Relays, called SwitchLinc Secondaries, are not connected to the LOAD, but only to the powerline (by
being wired to the LINE and NEUTRAL). All of the SwitchLinc Relays can communicate with one another using INSTEON networking on
the powerline. After wiring in the SwitchLinc Relays, you create the virtual multi-way circuit by setting up all of the SwitchLinc Relays
to control one another.
The diagram below shows how you convert a wired-in three-way circuit into a virtual three-way circuit using two SwitchLinc Relays.
Notice that one of the TRAVELER wires (number 1, the red one) is not used, so you will cap it off at both ends with a wire nut.
The other TRAVELER (number 2, the black one) you will convert to a LINE wire. In the junction box where the SwitchLinc Secondary is,
connect TRAVELER 2 to the existing LINE and also to the SwitchLinc Secondary's LINE wire. In the other junction box at the other end,
you will connect TRAVELER 2 to the SwitchLinc Primary's LINE wire.
The SwitchLinc Primary's LOAD wire gets connected to the actual lights that are being controlled.
The LOAD wire for any SwitchLinc Secondaries that you will be installing will not be connected to anything, so cap those LOAD wires
off with a wire nut.
All SwitchLinc Relays, whether they are Primaries or Secondaries, must be connected to NEUTRAL and to GROUND. Note that the
switches you are replacing will not normally have a connection to NEUTRAL. If there is no NEUTRAL wire in the junction box, please
consult an electrician or call SmartLabs Tech Support, 866-243-8018.
UUssiinngg tthhee SSwwiittcchhLLiinncc
iinn VViirrttuuaall MMuullttii--WWaayy CCiirrccuuiittss
rev. 071006