Secure LAN to LAN
connectivity over the
Internet featuring
144 bit encryption
Multiple protocol
support including
Frame Relay, X.25,
EuroISDN and PPP
Easy configuration
and management
with Intel Device
View for Windows*
Intel Express Routers can now secure your private business communications for safe
transmission over the Internet, while continuing to offer a simple and cost effective
solution for all your traditional WAN routing needs. With two or more Express Routers,
you can create a secure Virtual Private Network over the Internet. Powerful encryption
and tunneling capabilities safeguard your data. With the comparatively low cost of
Internet access, you can save as much as 80% of the cost of dedicated long distance
WAN connections.
Intel Express Routers provide a rich set of features while simplifying the traditional
complexity of router installation and management. An Intel Express Router can be
up and running in minutes, using simple menu-based options with default settings
that will satisfy most network situations. Management is also easy, with powerful
Windows* OS-based SNMP management tools that provide a hierarchal view of each
WAN and LAN connection for monitoring and troubleshooting.
You get sophisticated control of WAN link activity. Features such as advanced
filtering, data compression and Network Address Translation (NAT) are built in
to each router, ensuring efficient data transmission, a secure data link across the
public domain, and a safeguard that restricts public access to your private LAN.
Unlike other router solutions in which software and other important components
are costly add-ons, Intel Express Routers are complete, cost-effective solutions.
Each Intel Express Router includes all the hardware and software needed for full
installation. The only item packaged separately is the appropriate WAN interface
cable for the environment.
Intel Express Routers are designed for worldwide network environments worldwide,
with support for a range of WAN protocols and interfaces. They integrate with other
Intel networking products for a complete corporate internetworking solution.
Intel Express Routers
The VPN routers for secure networking over the Internet.
Secure Virtual Private Network
Even easier-to-use console interface
Robust new features added to
Intel Device View for Windows*
Enhanced SNMP support
Support for RMON groups 1, 2, 3 and 9
Frame Relay encryption (per link
Improved diagnostic tools
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