Quick Start Washer Guide
We have taken great care to give your new washer the most convenient and easy-to-use features. Use this guide to help optimize the use of your
washer. Consult the Use and Care Guide for more detailed instructions. To contact the Sears Service Center, call 1-800-4-MY-HOME
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Auto Load Sensing Feature
AutoLoadsensing fills the washer to themostefficientwater levelfor thewashload.The machinewilladdwatertoa low water level and thenagitate
fora shorttimetosaturate theload.Thewasherthencontinuesto filltowhatthemachine senses as the proper waterlevel for the currentwashload.
To insure the washer calculatestheproper amountof water for the loadsize,donot openthelidorstopthewasher once thewashcyclehasstarted.
Models/Modelos/Modèles 110.2982*, 2983*
Measure detergent and pour into washer.
Drop sorted load loosely into washer. Load evenly around
agitator to maintain balance.
Optional step: Pour measured liquid chlorine bleach into
the liquid chlorine bleach dispenser (on some models).
Optional step: Pour measured liquid fabric softener into
the fabric softener dispenser (on some models).
Close the lid.
Select Cycle, Water Level, Soil Level, Temperature,
and Rinse option based on your load.
Pull out Cycle Selector (Timer) knob to start.
Push in Cycle Selector (Timer) knob to stop the washer.
• You should select the wash/rinse water temperature
based on the type of load you are washing.
• Always use the warmest wash water safe for fabric and
follow garment label instructions. For recommended use,
see the Use and Care Guide.
• Depending on location, water temperatures may vary
by season. The fill rate may also differ depending on the
water temperature selected.
When using fabric softener, make sure to turn the
Fabric Softener knob to the Softener Added position.