Magnus 400 II
Fast, flexible platesetting,
with Kodak quality
Kodak Magnus 400 II Platesetters
oer productivity, quality, and ease
of use for printing operations of
all sizes. From the base model to
the fully-automated, high-speed
Kodak Magnus 400 II Quantum
Platesetter, every device delivers
precise imaging and industry-
renowned performance. Its small
footprint saves valuable floor space,
and its larger drum size gives you
the flexibility to image an extensive
range of 2- to 6-page plates.
Automated productivity and
cost saving modularity
The Magnus 400 II Platesetter
oers advanced features and
modular options that increase
eciency in every aspect of
platemaking. The semiautomatic
version’s ContinuousLoad operation
provides nonstop platemaking and
a new punch option helps make
plates ready for press. It is easily
upgradeable to full automation with
MCU for unattended operation, and
a bypass feature allows for quick
plate remake. Plate loading, slip
sheet removal, and the inline punch
are completely automated.
High-speed, cost-eective
Magnus 400 II Platesetters
Choose from several Magnus 400 II
Platesetter models, with throughput
speeds up to 22 plates per hour, and
high quality imaging that supports
up to 250 lpi and 25-micron Kodak
Staccato Screening.
Exceptional throughput and
imaging with Magnus 400 II
Quantum Platesetter
The top-of-the-line Kodak Magnus
400 II Quantum Platesetter images
an impressive 38 plates per hour,
and features Kodak
Imaging Technology for greater
process stability and photo-realistic
printing with 10- or 20-micron
Kodak Staccato Screening. With
full automation, it is a powerful,
productive device with superior
image quality.
non process plates
Magnus 400 II Platesetters support
Kodak Thermal Direct Non Process
Plates and other processless plates.
Seamless integration with
Kodak Workflow Solutions
Magnus 400 II Platesetters are
tightly integrated with Kodak
Workflow Solutions, enabling a
complete automated prepress
solution. Third-party workflow
systems are easily integrated.
When combined with Kodak plates
and Kodak workflow systems
the Magnus 400 II Platesetter
is the ideal prepress solution for
commercial printers.