6 Black Burst Outputs
Tone Generator
1 X 8 or two 1 X 4 Video
1 X 8 Mono or 1 X 4 Stereo
The PAV-880 provides the user with six precision
black burst outputs for system distribution. Its stable
internal timebase provides flawless output signals for
black burst reference, factory adjusted to RS-170A
standards. Black burst is provided on rear panel
BNC connectors. In addition, a high quality 1 KHz
tone generator is provided for audio system testing.
A rear panel terminal block allows for easy
connection to the system. The balanced, low
impedance output conforms to Audio Engineering
Society (AES) standards for audio distribution.
The video DA section has high impedance loop
through in the 1X8 mode of operation. In the dual
1X4 mode, the input is terminated internally. The
dual mode of operation provides four outputs of each
of the two inputs. A switch on the rear panel allows
the unit to operate as a dual 1X4 DA with two
terminated inputs with four outputs each amplifier
Two gain controls on the front panel adjust the video
level to ±3dB for each set of four outputs. The video
bandwidth is 20 MHZ, making it a very useful device
for any application. A fuse on the front panel
provides easy replacement.
The audio DA section has high impedance loop
through. All connections for the inputs and outputs
use positive captive screw clamp terminals blocks
located on the rear panel. A switch on the front panel
allows the unit to operate as a mono or stereo DA
with one input and eight outputs mono or 2 X 4
stereo. Selecting the dual 1 X 4 mode is required for
stereo operation with four outputs for each of the
Left and Right channels. A Master Gain Control on
the front panel adjust the audio gain to ±16dB. A
gain trim control for each channel allows for
independent level adjustment. A balanced match of
each channel is easily obtained.
LINK ELECTRONICS, INC. 2137 Rust Avenue Cape Girardeau, MO 63703-7668
Phone 573 334 4433
FAX 573 334 9255