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The Spirit of Art in Technology
CONGRATULATIONS! You've just become the proud owner of the boldest sounding, easiest
operating 50-watt amplifier there is… and you're sure to enjoy it!
. Many months of patient, painstaking R&D were spent in developing the .50 Plus's
special, high-gain "personality". We tuned (and retuned) its preamp section to make it capable of
monstrous, fat lead tones while still offering plenty of crystal-clear headroom for rhythm. Its power
section has been fitted with 6L6 tubes in a specially modified (and patented) circuit that offers fluid
dynamic response with plenty of “give”. And a custom-designed vintage Celestion speaker - made
exclusively for MESA/Boogie - provides a perfect blend of full-bodied clarity and warm “crunch”.
. One of the .50 Caliber's greatest virtues is its incredible simplicity of operation.
It's nearly impossible to come up with a bad sound or a wrong setting. And here to help you get
started is a brief explanation of your new amp's features and controls.
INPUT JACK This ¼” guitar jack is the instrument input to your amplifier. Patented “Dual Mode”
circuitry makes this single jack work for both Rhythm and Lead… providing very high headroom for
sparkling clean Rhythm, and super high gain for monstrous Lead playing. Be sure to use a
good-quality, shielded guitar cord.
This ¼” jack connects to the Lead/Rhythm footswitch via the unshielded cable
provided. When the red LED on the footswitch box is illuminated, the .50 Caliber is in the Rhythm
mode… red equals Rhythm. Stepping on the button switches the amp into the Lead model and the
LED goes out.
Should you lose or forget your footswitch you can activate the Lead mode by pulling out the "Pull
Lead" switch on the Volume knob.
This control is active in both Rhythm and Lead modes. It establishes the amplifier's
overall sensitivity to your guitar's output, and must be mixed in conjunction with the Master(s). In the
Rhythm mode, the maximum clean setting is usually around 6 (varies with stronger or weaker
pickups) and most players find their favorite cleanest, brightest spot between 3 and 5. But if you want
some breakup in the Rhythm mode, turn the Volume up high.