Bagless cylinder vacuum cleaner
Please read and keep these instructions
Dust canister
It is important to regularly empty the canister, even if it does not appear full.
IItt iiss iimmppoorrttaanntt tthhaatt tthhee dduusstt ccaanniisstteerr pplleeaatteedd//mmeesshh ffiilltteerr iiss ttaappppeedd aanndd bbrruusshheedd cclleeaann oovveerr aa
dduussttbbiinn eeaacchh ttiimmee tthhee dduusstt ccaanniisstteerr iiss eemmppttiieedd,, tthhiiss aalllloowwss aaiirr tthhrroouugghh tthhee aapppplliiaannccee.. WWaasshh tthhee
ccaanniisstteerr ffiilltteerrss rreegguullaarrllyy iinn lluukkee--wwaarrmm wwaatteerr aanndd aallllooww ttoo aaiirr ddrryy bbeeffoorree rree--ffiittttiinngg..
Check nozzles, tubes and hose and dust canister connector for blockages or partial blockages
that may impair the performance of the cleaner.
Eco switch and air-flow control
When maximum suction is required, make sure the air-flow control is closed and the Eco
Switch is set to MAX.
VC73270 MUK Rev 2
If you have a problem or complaint, please call our dedicated UK based helpline
before returning your product to the retailer from where it was purchased.
UK Helpline: 0844 871 0949
Replacement Parts: 0844 873 0715
Ireland Helpline: 1800 409 119
Getting the best from your new cleaner...
If your cleaner is not picking up as well as it should, please check