NAVIGON Lifetime Trafc
Easy One-Time Activation
NAVIGON’s Lifetime Trafc provides automatic
updates on trafc incidents, trafc ow, congestion,
and construction across 68 of North America’s greater
metropolitan markets—where trafc happens most.
Supports coverage anywhere that is supported by
Total Trafc Network RDS-TMC.
Check www.navigon.com for coverage area details.
Secure Your Product ID.
Get your Product ID from your device.
(e.g. APTNC-8U6P7-7HFH3)
A. Go to the Main Menu
> Options
> Service Activation
B. Note your Product ID for
future reference
Go to www.navigon.com/activation
to register and get your unlock code.
A. Scratch off the gray back of
your activation card to get
your activation code
B. Go to navigon.com/activation
and select service activation
C. Open your personal account
with your Product ID and
the Activation Code found on
the back of your NAVIGON
Lifetime Trafc card as
Your unlock code will be generated online; it will also be emailed to
you for easy future reference.
Unlock Trafc on Your Device.
Enter your 18-digit Unlock Code to unlock trafc on
your device.
A. Go to the Main Menu
> Options
> Service Activation
> Next and enter unlock code
B. Press
to unlock.
A conrmation screen
(see above) will appear.
Press “OK” to exit.
ProdUCT Id: Unique code found on your device
ACTIvATIoN Code: Found on the back of the included card
UNloCk Code: Unique number you input into your NAVIGON
device to unlock the feature
Follow this easy 3-step process to activate your
NAVIGON Lifetime Trafc service.
The service is only available where Total Trafc Network® RDS-TMC coverage exists. Coverage areas can
expand or change without notice. Service is available for the life of the product as long as coverage exists.
To review the latest coverage details visit www.navigon.com. NAVIGON software and services are subject
to the terms of the license agreement and limited warranty included with the software and services. To
review the license and limited warranty before licensing the product, visit our web site at www.navigon.
com. © Copyright 2007, NAVIGON Inc. The information contained herein is subject to change without
notice. NAVIGON is a U.S. registered trademark of NAVIGON
Inc., 200 W. Madison, Suite 650, Chicago, IL. All other trade-
marks are of their respective companies. Assembled in the US.