NOTE: Other World Computing declares that this processor upgrade
has been tested and found to comply with the limitations of a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules & Regulations. These
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,
uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed in
accordance with these instructions, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference
will not occur in any one particular installation, If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, this can be
determined by turning the equipment this upgrade is installed into on and
off. If this is determined to be the cause of harmful interference, the end
user is encouraged to attempt to correct the interference by one or more
of the following procedures:
• Connect the equipment to another electrical outlet, or use a line fi ltering
device between the outlet and the computer
• Move the location of the receiving device and the computer
• Reorient the receiving antenna
• Increase the distance separating the receiver and the computer
OWC Mercury Extreme G4
Installation Manual
9. Remove Processor
10. Remove Protective Cover
11. Insert Processor - All Systems
Optional - Jumper Settings - Adjustment NOT necessary!
FCC Statement
Troubleshooting Tips:
Contact Information:
Installation of the processor daughtercard is the same on all
systems, simply align the 3 screw holes in the card and gen-
tly place over the logic board. Gently but fi rmly press straight
down on the two rearmost screwholes until you feel the card
“click” into place. Insert the included screwdriver and tighten
the encapsulated 3 Phillips screws into the 3 screw holes.
You’re all done - Enjoy your new processor!
Remove the protective cap from the OWC Mercury Extreme
G4 processor upgrade. The cap is located on the bottom of
the card, between the screw holes. Place the cap onto the
processor card you just removed.
Place your fi ngers gently underneath the edge of the
processor daughtercard, and with your fi ngertips, pull straight
up. Do not pull at an angle, you risk breaking the processor
socket if you don’t pull straight up.
Boot Issues:
• Make certain you updated the fi rmware to version 4.2.8. If you did not,
you will have to reinstall your original processor and boot into Mac OS 9
to perform this task.
• Press the reset button marked “S1” on the logic board. This is located
on the corner of the logic board near the PCI slots on most machines.
You will need to reset your date & time settings as well as any AppleTalk
settings after doing this.
• Reset the PRAM on your computer by pressing and holding the
command - option - P and R keys at startup until the machine chimes
3 times. You will need to reset your date & time settings as well as any
AppleTalk settings after doing this.
Final Cut Pro 3 and 4 Issues / Full Switch Setting Chart:
• Final Cut Pro requires a valid speed to be reported correctly by Apple
System Profi ler. For detailed instructions about this issue, please visit our
tech center at: http://eshop.macsales.com/tech_center/index.cfm
This page also includes a full switch setting chart for your convenience.
Sleep Issues:
• The OWC Mercury Extreme G4 supports hard disk and display sleep in
all confi gurations. With some system confi gurations, deep sleep may not
be supported.
Sales: 800.275.4576
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Tech Support: 815-338-8685
24hr Fax: 815.338.4332
For support via email submit your question here:
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8:30AM-8PM Monday - Friday
10AM-4PM - Saturday
Customer Service Hours (CST)
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Entire contents copyright ® 2004 Other World Computing.
OWC product warranties are non-transferrable
Other World Computing 1004 Courtaulds Drive Woodstock, IL 60098
There is no need to modify the settings on the accelerator as
they are preset for maximum performance from the factory.
If you wish to adjust, please follow this chart.
NOTE: See Troubleshooting section for Final Cut Pro issues.