B6000 BMS to Johnson Controls Metasys Gateway
The T-2 Metasys Interface provides certified compatibility for data sharing and program access
between the Raypak B6000 Boiler Management System and the Johnson Controls Metasys
Building Management System. The T-2 utilizes a ProSoft 1500 series communications inter-
face to facilitate low level translation between the proprietary Raypak RS-485 protocol and
Johnson Controls’ open architecture N2 protocol. The Raypak B6000 and Metasys systems
seamlessly fuse to provide a level of boiler control and monitoring capability unparalleled by
any other system at any price.
• Certified N2 Metasys Compatibility
• Total B6000 BMS Program Access
• Boiler Activation/Shutdown
• Outdoor Reset Adjustment
• Setback Control
• Lead/Lag Scheduling
• Temperature Monitoring
• Boiler Fault Annunciation
• Complete Boiler Diagnostics
• Remote Troubleshooting
• All Attribute Read/Write Support
• Diagnostic LED Indicators
• Data Integrity Assurance
• 9600 Baud Data Transfer Rate
• Single Source Accountability
Catalog No. 5100.14B Effective: 02-15-03 Replaces: 06-01-97
Raypak, Inc. reserves the right to make product changes or improvements at any time without notification.