Lab Test Report
© 2010 Buyers Laboratory Inc. Duplication in any manner is illegal and strictly forbidden without written permission
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A Comprehensive BLI Laboratory Evaluation
JULY 2010
During its lab evaluation at BLI, the Samsung CLP-670ND proved
to be strong in a number of categories. To begin with, the A4 co-
lour laser printer logged 40,000 impressions with no misfeeds or
service of any kind required. The CLP-670ND, which is simple to
set up and use, provided very good overall output in colour and
black modes. While users can benefit from above average feed-
back to workstations, administrators will be able to more easily
manage the unit and a mixed fleet—Samsung and compatible
devices—of hardware via SyncThru Web Service and SyncThru
Web Admin service, respectively. Other highlights include a high
standard memory capacity; standard automatic duplexing, which
contributes to less paper waste; and toner-save mode in the driv-
ers helps extend the life of the print cartridges. BLI highly recom-
mends the CLP-670ND for small to mid-size workgroups with
monthly volumes of up to 1,500 impressions.
Samsung CLP-670ND
24 PPM Colour Laser Printer
Test duration: Two months, including a
40,000-impression durability test.
Maximum monthly duty cycle: 80,000 impressions.
Manufacturer’s recommended monthly volume:
Up to 1,100 impressions.
BLI’s recommended monthly volume for optimum
performance: Up to 1,500 impressions.
More information on the Samsung CLP-670ND is
available through bliQ (www.buyerslab.com/bliQ).
Reliability ................................................................Excellent
Administrative Utilities .......................................... Very Good
Feedback to Workstations ..................................... Very Good
Ease of Network Setup.......................................... Very Good
Print Drivers .......................................................... Very Good
Applications Compatibility .......................................Excellent
Colour/Black Print Quality ..................................... Very Good
Colour/Black Print Productivity ......................................Good
Ease of Use ........................................................... Very Good
Feature Set ...................................................................Good
Security Features ...................................................Not Rated
Environmental Features .........................................Not Rated
Toner Yield ....................................................................Good
©2010 Buyers Laboratory Inc. Reproduced by permission of Buyers Laboratory Inc. Any duplication of this report without the written
permission of Buyers Laboratory, is unlawful and violators will be prosecuted. To purchase reprints, contact BLI at at info@buyerslab.com.