Revised November 13, 2008
After ACID software is installed and you start it for the first time, the registration wizard appears. This wizard offers easy steps that allow
you to register the software online with Sony Creative Software Inc. Alternatively, you may register online at http://
www.sonycreativesoftware.com/ at any time.
Registering your product will provide you with access to a variety of technical support options, notification of product updates, and
special promotions exclusive to registered ACID users.
Registration assistance
If you do not have access to the Internet, registration assistance is available during normal weekday business hours. Please contact our
Customer Service department by dialing one of the following numbers:
Telephone/Fax Country
1-800-577-6642 (toll-free) US, Canada, and Virgin Islands
+608-204-7703 for all other countries
1-608-250-1745 (Fax) All countries
Customer service/sales
For a detailed list of customer service options, we encourage you to visit
http://www.sonycreativesoftware.com/support/custserv.asp. Use the following numbers for telephone support during normal weekday
business hours:
Telephone/Fax Country
1-800-577-6642 (toll-free) US, Canada, and Virgin Islands
+608-204-7703 for all other countries
1-608-250-1745 (Fax) All countries
Technical support
For a detailed list of technical support options, we encourage you to visit
http://www.sonycreativesoftware.com/support/default.asp. To listen to your support options by telephone, please call 608-256-5555.
About your rights in ACID software
ACID is licensed to you under the terms of the End User License Agreement. The End User License Agreement is first presented to you
when you install the software. Please review the End User License Agreement carefully as its terms affect your rights with respect to the
software. For your reference, a copy of the End User License Agreement for ACID is located at