My water heater quite heating, even though the light is on. Heater less than a year old.

Asked by Javier on 12/02/2008 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 12 months ago

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0 I have the same water heater. This has happened to me multiple times. Every time it has been the thermal switch on top of the heat exchanger. It trips the switch when it overheats. This can easily be reset yourself. Make sure the breakers are off that go to your water heater. There should be two 40 amp breakers. Now remove the cover from the water heater. There are four screws holding the cover on. Once removed you will see the two heat exchangers. On top of each there will be a small plastic button. One or both could be tripped. Push down on each one. If they are tripped you will hear an audible click. Now replace the cover and turn your breaker back on. Now check and see if you have hot water. This has worked for me, unfortunately it probably will happen again and again. We are in the process of trying to get ours replaced under warranty (10 years on heat exchanger). I hope this helps.
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