I can't get the trimmer head off to put in new line!!

Asked by Carolynne on 07/26/2014 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 4 months ago

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5 Dear Poster, I use weed wackers all the time. The first thing you need to do is confirm that the head DOES come off. Some weed wackers have holes in the head that you loop very strong thread through and the thread stays in place with friction. If this isn't the case, and your wackers head comes off, I want you to go get a flat head screw driver or a similar tool. Use it to separate the area where it looks like the head would come undone naturally (there is usually some kind of thing you can press in to release the head). Go slowly, and this should loosen the head without breaking it. Once it is off, clean up whatever was preventing it from normal use (probably organic matter), and you're good to go. I hope this helps!
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