Hi can u please help me.We have the bht 8000 scanners for stocktake use.We no longer hav ethe manual for them they are set up and scanning and i have plugged them in to down load to the computer which is run by myob it sais its sending the file then beeps twice and goes back to the menu screen? does this mean it has been sent to the computer? how do i check what has and hasnt been sent? thanks belinda

Asked by belinda smith on 07/26/2008 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 4 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 I have bought barcode scanner of DENSO BHT-8000 and had problem like this I have data ex. Data.txt with content as follows : KODE VALUE A 250 C 450 B 200 B 100 A 100 I want to display those datas above on screen as follows : CODE FREQ. TOT A 2 350 B 2 300 C 1 450 could you give me source code of basic if I want to display those datas as my require. Thanks for yr help Harris Januarsn@gmail.com
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0 How do I change the alphabet keys on the 8000 denso scanner, I have tried everything. please help
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