Hello how do I set the hour time on the microwave model FGMV174KFC

Asked by jules on 03/01/2014 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 9 months ago

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5 Hello mg05221, I am happy to assist you! I understand you are trying to set the clock on your Frigidaire microwave, FGMV174KFC. This particular model is program with a 12 hour clock. To get started, first press the USER PREF pad. Shortly after press number 5 and enter the correct time of day by pressing the numbers in sequence. Then press START enter +30 sec pad to set the time. If you attempt to enter an incorrect clock time, ERROR will appear in the display. Press the STOP clear pad and reset the clock. I do hope this information proves to be helpful. Should you need any further assistance please feel free to respond.
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