Freezer is cold no ice buildup (the ice maker inlet water overflowed, cleaned up ice two weeks ago) seems to be stale Oder . Milk doesn't seem to stay as fresh. Haven't used or tried to use. Just lifted lever and cut off water supply. How do I check evaporated fan. Tks mike

Asked by Mike on 01/22/2014 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 10 months ago

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0 Hello omichael5045! I understand that you are having concerns on model Lfht1513lb9. The ice maker overfilling is something that can be adjusted on the ice maker itself but the milk not staying fresh may be a result of a thermostat failing or air circulating incorrectly. There are too many possibilities to really say it is one failure or another. I would contact an authorized service provider to have them diagnose the appliance and determine the cause of the concern. Hope this helps!
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