on my gallery refrigerator I get a 59 ef code. what does this mean?

Asked by CARL on 05/23/2014 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 6 months ago

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0 Good Afternoon dcw2233, thank you for your post! I understand your Frigidaire refrigerator (LGUB2642LF3) is displaying error code 59 EF. Could the error code possibly be SY EF? If so, error code SY EF typically indicates that your refrigerator has detected an evaporator fan circuit failure. Let’s try resetting your refrigerator by either unplugging it or flipping the household circuit breaker to the off position. It is good wait approximately ten minutes and then turn on your refrigerator. If the error code does not clear, at this point it is best to reach out to professional to check the wiring between the main control board and evaporator fan. Hope this helps! - Chris
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