The freezer section keeps running

Asked by Joie on 11/20/2013 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 11 years ago

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0 Hello jhconrad, thank you for your post! It is true that the compressor can run for longer periods of time and this is actually more energy efficient. Unlike older refrigerators that turned off and on frequently, newer models save energy from having to start up and shut off repeatedly. For example, diesel-powered trucks conserve fuel and energy and therefore have less engine wear and tear by keeping the motor running; much like newer energy efficient refrigerators. If the compressor is running on a more constant basis; it is maintaining the temperature within your appliance, rather than having to cut off and start again to adjust the temperature. I hope this information explains why your appliance may run more than expected. However, should you feel that a service technician is needed; you may visit the manufacturer website to find a provider in your area that will look at your refrigerator. Should you have any further needs or questions please feel free to reconnect.
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