water doesn't come out of door

Asked by diane on 12/16/2013 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 11 months ago

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0 Hello dweimar, thank you for your inquiry! I understand your dispenser is not dispensing water. Have you recently changed the water filter? Most side-by-side filters are recommended to be change approximately every 6-9 months depending on your water usage and frequency. I suggest checking the water valve and make sure is completely open (usually located on the back of your refrigerator). A clogged water filter or a blocked supply water valve may also lead to no water to the dispenser. If that is not the issue, than your refrigerator could possibly have a faulty valve, dispenser control board and/or failed water valve diode. Generally it is a good idea to have a professional take a look at it to get to the root cause. Cost of parts and technical expertise entailed in these types of replacements can be a bit tricky.
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