how to reset top burners, what should the timer be set to for the top to work, I have it set to 1st timer is on off, 2nd knob is what I'm having trouble with, 3rd is set to MAN, my oven will work but top will not

Asked by Terri on 01/25/2015 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 9 years, 10 months ago

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0 Thank you for your inquiry, tharris8006! Based off the information you have provided you are having trouble setting your burners on your Frigidaire range. I have researched your model number and was unable to locate any information. I would recommend performing a reset on your range and you can do that by disconnecting the power from it for roughly ten minutes. If that does not help correct your issue I would suggest having a professional technician come out to help assist you with your range. Best of luck! –OOS
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