i need an opperating and service manual for ctm hs 580 mobiliy scooter

Asked by frank shaw on 06/01/2008 5  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 6 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 CTM Mid-Range Mobility Scooter HS-580 Manual
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0 go to http://www.ctmhomecare.com/PDF/Owner_Manual/User%20Manual-5S%20570.580.pdf
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0 A URL was provided by an anonymous user
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0 My uncle left me his scooter and I have looked at the manual and my daugher and I cannot find where to plug power cord in. There is a purple box with plugs in on top of the battery, but there is not an outlet to plug power cord on hid HS 580.
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0 the scooter does not plug directly into mains. It requires an external charger, which connects to the circular 3 pin socket by the ignition key. something like a 'Numax 24v 4A Mobility Scooter Battery Charger' will suffice.
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