Does anyone know how to tranfer all the video from the 8mm cassette to my computer and burn to dvd?

Asked by Ruth on 08/17/2008 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 3 months ago

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0 Dear Member; I am a new member in this owner IQ and I am too is looking for a solution to transfer audio/video (a/v) to the computer. I own a Panasonic Palmcorder vhs compact. There is a product available from Hongkong known as a "USB Male A to 3x RCA AV A/V TV adapter Lead Cable". This is available thru E-Bay International but ordering requires you to have a credit card to pay via "PayPal". Just be sure to buy or "bid" on this particular product that includes the necessary software to convert your analog signal to digital. Hope I shared something useful.
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