hjow to change oil

Asked by Joe on 02/18/2009 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 9 months ago

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5 You have two choices, easy and super-easy. First the super-easy: Remove the oil drain plug; this is located at the bottom of the oil pan on the end opposite the pressure guages, and has a glass window, through which you can see a red dot. Hold a waste pan under it and unscrew the plug. After the oil is drained, replace the drain plug and refill oil using the long plastic knurled knob directly above the drain plug, sticking out of the top of the compressor unit (use 30-weight motor oil, which is four times less expensive than the Craftsman brand 'compressor oil,' although Craftsman's does come in a bottle with a squirt nozzle for funnel-free use). TAKE WASTE OIL TO A DESIGNATED RECYCLING FACILITY! The easy way (not really the right way, but it does have a few advantages). First, drain the oil through the drain plug as above. But, before adding more oil, remove the oil pan side panel (the plug screws into it), by loosening the four screws that hold it to the main compressor assembly. Pay attention to the orientation of the rubber gasket inside the oil pan! It isn't hard to see the proper way, but one could easily put it in backwards. Now for the advantageous part: Wipe out the sludge and fine metal filings that have accumulated in the bottom of the pan... this will help keep your compressor running longer and healthier for the long haul.
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