Sir/Madam, Track 1 no longer records. I need to find a repair shop in the Boston Massachusetts or Malden Massachusetts areas. Thank you...Derek

Asked by Derek Fulker on 08/16/2008 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 3 months ago

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5 OK, I'm an old broadcast engineer, just to get that out of the way. Tape is what I grew up on. Some tape tends to shed its ferrous oxide and it has to go somewhere, usually onto the audio head surface and all over the bottom of the cassete compartment. Since you cleaned your machine and it worked for awhile. I tend to think that you got enough of that stuff off the heads for the heads to do their job. There is a correct way to demagnetize the audio heads and a very incorrect way. The correct way is to slowly rotate the demagnetizer over the heads without actually touching them. With the demagnetizer still on, continue to make the circles as you slowly pull away from the audio head. DO NOT turn off demagnetizer until you are aleast a foot and a half way from the audio head. If you turn it off while near the audio head you will actually magnetize instead of de-magnetize it. If your machine has alot of hours of usage on it, you might want to check for head wear. You can do this with your finger. Rub your finger over the audio head and see if you fill any ridges. You shouldn't, it should feel smooth to the touch on a brand new machine (like glass I guess). If you feel ridges you have problems that you might not want to deal with. Call your local radio stations and talk to the Engineering department. Tell them about their problem and they will probably help you with it. Either they will offer to check it for you on their off time or they will point you to someone who can fix it. In any case those ridges mean your audio head is very worn and is in need of replacement. Of course their could also be a plethora of other problems that might cause something like this. Only a service tech can tell you for sure.
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4 I had a similar problem. Track 1 would record, but, would not play back during a mixdown. Out of desparation I purchased a head cleaner/demagnetizer from Radio Shack since Tascam's is no longer available. Track 1 worked for a few weeks, but thats it. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.
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