I have already send an email requestion this and have not heard back from you yet. Please respond

Asked by Linda on 06/08/2009 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 5 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 Support page for West Bend 41035 - Bread Maker: http://www.focuselectrics.com/finditem.cfm?itemid=961 Instruction Manual: http://www.focuselectrics.com/supportdata/L5231R.pdf Supplemental recipes: http://www.focuselectrics.com/supportdata/L5701A-Breadmkr%20Recipe%20Bk.pdf
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4 I used the member provided link and got the manual. It looks like its much closer to the one I have and is all I need. Thanks
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3 It looks to me like the instructions for any West Bend bread maker would substitute for the one I need and I found recipies for 1 1/2 lb and 2lb loaves on the internet and a manual for a newer model when I requested one for my model number
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