P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P6
P6 P6 P6 P6 5
P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 4 4
P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 2
2 2 2
P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 3 3 3
P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 1
1 1 1 1
Auto focus
Pre-capture Mode Capture Mode
Auto focus
Data is read
from buffer and
recorded on
Memory Card
Button 1/2
Button Fully
After shutter button is 1/2 depressed, pre-capture
operation starts, records data in the memory buffer
and overwrites the oldest images
After shutter button is fully depressed,
image data stored into buffer until the
buffer is full.
Total memory allocation Image captured instantaneously Images cached
CAMEDIA E-100 ZOOM RS Sequential Image Cache
ZOOM RS Sequential Image Cache) when you think the criti-
cal moment you want to capture is near. Five sequential im-
ages are then cached in the on-board 9 Mb buffer, and are
rolled over as long as the shutter button remains halfway
In the pre-capture mode, the sixth image overwrites the num-
ber one image, number seven overwrites the number two
pre-captured image and so-on until the shutter button is ei-
ther depressed fully, moving the camera into the sequential
“capture” mode or the shutter button is released stopping the
pre-capture and capture altogether. This guarantees that you
will not suffer from missed opportunities due to shutter lag
and allows you to capture the precise moment you need.
Walter Urie comments, “going back to the motorcycle races I
shoot with the CAMEDIA E-100 ZOOM RS, I wanted to catch
the riders, which were going very, very fast at an exact spot on
the curve using a panning technique. I was following the ac-
tion and as the riders entered the designated area, I started
to depress the shutter button halfway down. Out of 100 pans,
I was able to capture accurately and with precision 95 pans.”