56K Voice Faxmodem Internal - User’s Guide 33
You may have a COM port/IRQ conflict. If you have an internal modem
and a Windows 95 system, right-click on the My Computer icon on your
desktop. Click Properties. Click the Device Manager tab. If you see a
yellow exclamation point over your modem, you have a resource conflict,
and it is probably an IRQ conflict. Click the modem’s name to select it.
Then click Remove. You will be asked if you are sure you wish to remove
the device. Click OK. When the modem has been removed, shut down
and turn off your computer. Unplug the computer from its electrical outlet
and remove the cover. Physically remove the modem from its ISA slot.
Replace the cover, plug the computer back into the electrical outlet, and
turn on the computer. When Windows restarts, once again right-click the
My Computer icon on your desktop and click Properties. Click the
Device Manager tab. Double-click Computer. Make sure the “Interrupt
request (IRQ)” radio button at the top of the screen is checked. You can
determine which IRQ settings are free on your system by looking for
numbers that are not listed in the Setting column. One of the following
IRQs needs to be free: 3, 4, 5, or 7 (or 9 if you have a Winmodem). If
there are no IRQ settings free in this range, you need to move a device off
of one of these IRQs in order to free it for use by your modem. We
recommend removing other modems or disabling COM ports that may be
using one of these IRQs. After you have made these changes, reinstall
the modem using the instructions in the Installation Guide. Once your
modem is properly installed, make sure you have the correct COM port
and IRQ settings in your software and/or in the Windows Device Manager.
PROBLEM: The modem will not go off hook to dial or does
not answer the phone.
You may have plugged your modem’s phone cord into a digital line.
Plugging your modem’s phone cord into a digital phone line can damage
the modem. Call your phone company if you are unsure whether or not
your phone line is digital.