
OUTPUT 2 (Option)
Types Avail able: Re lay and DC.
Con tact Type: Sin gle pole dou ble throw (SPDT).
Rat ing: 2A re sis tive at 120/240V AC.
Life time: >500,000 op era tions at rated
volt age/cur rent.
Iso la tion: In her ent.
Reso lu tion: Eight bits in 250mS (10 bits in 1 sec ond
typi cal, >10 bits in >1 sec ond typi cal).
Up date Rate: Ap proxi mately 4/sec ond.
Ranges: 0 - 20mA, 4 - 20mA, 0 - 10V, 0 - 5V, 1 -
5V, 2 - 10V
(Changes between V and mA ranges also require link jumper movement.)
Load Im ped ance: 0 - 20mA: 500 maxi mum
4 - 20mA: 500 maxi mum
0 - 10V: 500 mini mum
0 - 5V: 500 mini mum
1 - 5V: 500 mini mum
2 - 10V: 500 mini mum
Iso la tion: Iso lated from all other in puts and
out puts.
Range Se lec tion Method: Link jumper and front panel code.
OUTPUT 3 (Option)
Types Avail able: Re lay and Trans mit ter Power Sup ply
Con tact Type: Sin gle pole dou ble throw (SPDT).
Rat ing: 2A re sis tive at 120/240V AC.
Life time: >500,000 op era tions at rated
volt age/cur rent.
Iso la tion: In her ent.
A -4 November, 2000 SM067-A
Ap pen dix A
-DIN Digi tal In di ca tor 59039
Prod uct Speci fi ca tion Prod uct Man ual - Vol ume II