6412M-25-TP modules can be used in any of the following ways:
To send and receive data from an ATM subsystem in another ONcore ATM
switching hub or CELLplex 4000.
To attach high capacity workstations and servers (with 25.6Mbps adapter cards)
that function in ATM mode.
6412M-25-TP modules interface to the ONcore hub or CELLplex 4000 by means of the
Control Point located in either the ONcore ATM Switch/Control module or CELLplex
4000 base unit. 6412M-25-TP modules process ATM cells of data by:
Checking their validity
Accessing the switching tables to locate the destination module
Preparing the internal ATM format required by the Control Point
Sending the cells to the Control Point
6412M-25-TP modules can be used in any vacant slot in the CELLplex 4000 expansion
unit, or any vacant slot in the ONcore hub except for slots 9, 10, and (for 17-slot
models) 11 and 12. These slots are reserved for ONcore ATM Switch/Control modules.
In 17-slot ONcore models, although slot 12 is also reserved, you can insert an
6412M-25-TP module in slot 12 if no ONcore ATM Switch/Control module is installed in
slot 11.
Like other ATM media modules, the 6412M-25-TP module can be inserted while the
hub or CELLplex 4000 is operating without disturbing data traffic on other modules.
Before removing the module however, you must first isolate it by using the SET
MODULE command.
For more information on how to install and change modules, see the
ONcore Integrated
System Hub Installation Guide
, Document Number 17-000362 or
CELLplex 4000
Installation and User's Guide
Document Number 17-000865, as appropriate.
1-2 25 Mbps ATM Module - Installation and User's Guide