Configuring the IP
Conferencing Module
The IP Conferencing Module supports two types of Meet-Me
■ Public — Public conferences are dial-in conferences in which a caller
can dial a conference extension and connect directly to the
■ Restricted — Restricted conferences are secure conferences. Callers
must authenticate themselves before the system allows them to join a
conference. The system connects a caller to the IP Conferencing
Module Attendant, which requires the caller to provide a Conference
ID and a password.
Use the NBX NetSet utility to configure IP Conference Server and
Conference Attendant settings:
■ 3Com Conferencing servers use different UDP ports for Restricted and
Public conferences. Therefore, you must configure these ports
separately in the NBX NetSet utility.
■ You must configure a dedicated conference extension to enable callers
to connect to the IP Conferencing Module Attendant.
■ Each conference you add is a trusted SIP interface, which the system
includes in the Trusted SIP Interfaces list.
■ You must edit your dial plan to complete the 3Com IP Conferencing
Module configuration.
To configure IP Conference Server:
1 See the NBX Administrator’s Guide for more information about the
details in these steps.
2 Log in to the NBX NetSet utility using the administrator login ID and
3 Click SIP Applications > 3Com IP Conferencing Module.
4 Type the extension that the system uses for IP Conferencing. This
extension must be an unused extension on the system in the range of
external extensions, which is defined as 6000-7999 by default in a 4-digit
dial plan. You must use a different extension from the one you use to
configure the Conference Attendant settings.
5 Type a description for the IP Conferencing Module.
6 Type the IP address for the IP Conferencing Module.