Recording and Monitoring Telephone Calls 145
To enable call recording and monitoring on the NBX system, you must
purchase a system-wide license. After you install the license, you can
enable call recording and monitoring for these devices:
■ Analog telephones connected to ports on an Analog Terminal Card or
to a Single-Port Analog Terminal Adapter. For instructions on enabling
these features, see:
■ “Adding an Analog Terminal Card” on page 199
■ “Adding an Analog Terminal Adapter (ATA)” on page 201
■ “Modifying an Analog Terminal Port” on page 203
■ NBX Telephones. For instructions on enabling these features, see:
■ “Adding a New Telephone” on page 126
■ “Modifying a Telephone” on page 131
■ Telephone Groups. For instructions on enabling these features, see:
■ “Creating a New Telephone Group” on page 143
■ “Modifying a Telephone Group” on page 143
Recording Calls
Between Telephones
with Different
Recording Settings
For a call that involves NBX telephones or analog telephones that are
connected to either ATC ports or to ATAs, the NBX system verifies the
current recording setting for each NBX device involved in order to
determine which recording setting to use for the call.
Two-party Calls
In a two-party call involving only NBX devices, if either NBX device has
recording enabled, the NBX system enables recording for both devices for
the duration of the call. When the call has been completed, the NBX
system restores the recording settings that were in effect prior to the call.
Conference Calls
If any NBX device in a conference call has recording enabled, the NBX
system enables recording for all NBX devices for the duration of the
conference call. When the call has been completed, the NBX system
restores the recording settings that were in effect prior to the call.
A three-party conference call involves these telephones:
■ An NBX Business Telephone on the local NBX system