3M™ Rapid Detection Reader Managing Settings
2. From the Settings menu (Figure 20), touch Edit Operators.
The Settings: Operators screen will open (Figure 34).
A complete list of all operators authorized to use the device with
Display Name and Operator Type is displayed.
The 3M Rapid Detection Reader will store a maximum of 600
The default Operator List includes the Operator ID defined as
SUPERVISOR; the Display Name as DefaultUser; the Type set
as Supervisor. This is the default login (see step 1 above).
The Operator Login Requirements (Figure 34) determines if an
Operator (Operator Type = Operator) requires an Operator ID
and/or Password. The Operator Login Requirements can be
set to None, Operator ID only, or ID and Password by selecting
the € icon.
Figure 35. Settings: Operator
NOTE: The login requirements for operators (Operator Type = Supervisor) are defined and
changed through the RCU. The default Login Requirements for Supervisors is ID and Password
(Figure 25).
3. To view detailed information for an Operator, touch the Operator’s entry and touch View.
4. To modify an existing operator, touch the Operator’s entry and touch Modify. The Add button
changes to Modify. (For additional instructions see Adding/Modifying an Operator.)
5. To add a new operator, touch Add when no operator entry is highlighted. (For additional
instructions see Adding/Modifying an Operator.)
6. To search for a specific operator, touch Search. (For additional instructions see Searching for an
Individual Operator.)
7. To delete an operator, touch Delete Operator while viewing an operator’s details.
Adding/Modifying an Operator
The 3M Rapid Detection Reader will store a maximum of 600
Access the Settings: Operators: Add screen (Figure 36) as
described above.
To Add an Operator
1. Enter the Operator ID, Display Name, Password, Verify and, if
desired, the Expire information.
Operator ID: Characters entered to access 3M Rapid Detection
Reader (Maximum length 18 characters).
Display Name: Characters displayed with results for this
Operator ID (Maximum length 50 characters).
NOTE: Although 50 characters may be entered for a Display
Name, the CM screen and print out will truncate. The full 50
character Display Name will only be visible in the Edit Operators
screen in the Settings menu or through the RCU.
Password: Maximum length 18 characters.
Verify: Re-enter Password.
Figure 36. Settings: Operators: