
Monitors can check up to two wrist strap systems and one work surface,
depending on the model.
Compatible with most standard wrist straps.
Easy to use: Simply plug in the wrist strap.
Easy to install: Attach the monitor boxes to the bench with included hardware,
connect the mat and plug it in.
Damage to electronic devices is caused by static electricity from people.
Connecting people to ground directs static electricity away from devices.
Constant Monitors are designed to constantly test the connection of the person,
the wrist band and the coiled cord to help ensure that people remain grounded.
Constant Monitor WSMONITOR1 uses a solid state impedance design to
constantly test the connection integrity of the entire ground system including the
person, the wrist band and the coiled cord. Constant Monitors WSMONITOR2
and WSMONITOR3 also provide work surface monitoring. This system is fully
automatic and activates when a wrist strap is plugged into the unit. A green light
indicates connection and a red light indicates there is no connection. The unit is
powered and grounded by the AC adapter.