ACCES supplies several programs to support the IOD-144 Digital I/O card and, also, to
help you develop your applications software. These programs are on a diskette that comes
with your card and consist of a Setup program and three sample programs. The sample
programs are in forms suitable for use with BASIC, QuickBASIC, C, and Pascal. The
programs as follows:
SETUP.EXE IOD-144 Board Setup Program
SAMPLE1 A program that writes a sequence of values to Port A and
reads and displays the values in Ports A & B.
SAMPLE2 A "C" program that displays the bits in Ports A & B and,
when an interrupt occurs, polls those same bits.
FINDBASE Program locates active and available port addresses.
VBACCES A VisualBASIC utility driver that includes PEEK and POKE
statements for reading and writing RAM as well as I-
NPORT and OUTPORT for reading and writing I/O. The
driver is in the form of a DLL and allows you to access
hardware as if the language was designed for it when you
use VisualBASIC for Windows.
This program is supplied with the IOD-144 card as a tool for you to use in configuring
jumpers and switches on the card. It is menu-driven and provides pictures of the card on
the computer monitor. You make simple keystrokes to select the functions. In turn, the
pictures then change to show how the jumpers or switches should be placed to effect your
The setup program is a stand-alone program that can be run at any time. It does not
require the IOD-144 to be plugged into the computer for any part of the setup. The
program is self-explanatory with operation instructions and on-line help.
To run this program, at the DOS prompt, enter SETUP.EXE followed by the [ENTER] key.