Chapter 4 107
Index of Phlash16 Error Message
Error Codes Error Message
-1 or // FF Memory allocation for Backup file buffer failed.
-2 or // FE BIOS.BAK already exists (rename or delete it)
-3 or // FD File Create failed on BIOS.BAK
-4 or // FC File Write failed on BIOS.BAK
-5 or // FB File Close failed on BIOS.BAK
-6 or // FA BIOS backup not supported in BIOS ROM file.
-7 or // F9 File Open failed on BIOS ROM file.
-8 or // F8 File Read failed on BIOS ROM file.
-9 or // F7 File Close failed on BIOS ROM file.
-10or // F6 Failed to locate signature bytes in BIOS ROM file.
-11 or // F5 Unsupported BIOS ROM file version.
-12 or // F4 V0.10 must fit ROM size and address within 1MB.
-13 or // F3 V2.00 must have block descriptor table and image buffer.
-14 or // F2 Device table has too many entries.
-15 or // F1 Device table has unsupported flash type.
-16 or // F0 Combined SAVE or RESTORE attributes in BIOS file.
-17 or // EF SAVE block without matching RESTORE block in BIOS file.
-18 or // EE V0.10 must have JMP table for platform procs.
-19 or // ED V2.00 must have OFFSET table for platform procs.
-20 or // EC BIOS file found errors in command line parameters.
-21 or // EB Part ID not found in table of supported parts.
-22 or // EA Allocation for BIOS ROM image failed.
-23 or // E9 Open failed on BIOS ROM file.
-24 or // E8 Read failed on BIOS ROM file.
-25 or // E7 Copy of REAL to EXTENDED memory buffer failed.
-26 or // E6 File close failed on BIOS.WPH.
-27or // E5 Cannot flash if Memory Managers (e.g. EMM 386) is present.
-28 or // E4 Attempt to read flash memory ID failed.
-29or // E3 BIOS ROM file failed to return flash memory ID.
-30 or // E2 Could not find BCP SYS block in BIOS.WPH file image.
-31 or // E1 File has different BIOS part number.
-32 or // E0 File contains same version of BIOS ROM image.
-33 or // DF Data written to flash does not match BIOS ROM image.
-34 or // DE Write to flash memory failed.
-35 or // DD Erase flash memory block failed.
-36 or // DC VPP is not at expected level.
-37 or // DB Erase sequence failed.
-38 or // DA New DMI string is too large.
-39 or // D9 Specified BIOS ROM file is not for this system.
-40 or // D8 Allocation for DMI OEM string failed.
-41 or // D7 No space for specified DMI OEM string in BIOS ROM.
-42 or // D6 DMI OEM strings require BCP DMI 0.1+.
-43 or // D5 Could not find BCP DMI block in BIOS ROM file image.