Chapter 3 Options
3.1 External Monitor .......................................... 3-2
3.2 External Keyboard........................................ 3-3
3.3 External Keypad........................................... 3-4
3.4 External Pointing Device .............................. 3-5
3.5 Printer ......................................................... 3-7
3.6 Audio Devices .............................................. 3-8
3.7 Port Replicator ............................................. 3-9
3.8 PC Cards.................................................... 3-10
3.9 USB Devices............................................... 3-11
3.10 Miscellaneous Options ............................... 3-12
3.10.1 Additional Power Packs ................ 3-12
3.10.2 Cables.......................................... 3-12
3.11 Key Component Upgrades .......................... 3-14
3.11.1 Memory Upgrade.......................... 3-14
3.11.2 Hard Disk Upgrade ...................... 3-16
Chapter 4 Moving with your Computer
4.1 Disconnecting from the Desktop................... 4-2
4.2 Moving Around............................................. 4-3
4.2.1 Preparing the Computer ................. 4-3
4.2.2 What To Bring to Short Meetings.... 4-3
4.2.3 What To Bring to Long Meetings..... 4-3
4.3 Taking the Computer Home.......................... 4-4
4.3.1 Preparing the Computer ................. 4-4
4.3.2 What To Bring with You ................. 4-4
4.3.3 Special Considerations................... 4-4
4.3.4 Setting Up a Home Office ............... 4-5
4.4 Traveling with the Computer ........................ 4-6
4.4.1 Preparing the Computer ................. 4-6
4.4.2 What To Bring with You ................. 4-6
4.4.3 Special Considerations................... 4-6