92 Chapter 4
Index of Error Messages
Error Message List
Error Messages Check or do the following in sequence:
Stuck Key See “Keyboard or Auxiliary Input Device Check” on page 88.
System CMOS checksum bad - Default
configuration used
T RTC battery.
T Run the BIOS Setup Utility to reconfigure the system time,
then reboot system.
Real time clock error
T RTC battery
T Run the BIOS Setup Utility to reconfigure system time, then
reboot system.
T Mainboard
Previous boot incomplete - Default
configuration used
T Run “Load Setup Defaults” in BIOS Setup Utility.
T RTC battery
T Mainboard
Invalid System Configuration Data
T Run “Load Setup Defaults” in BIOS Setup Utility.
T Mainboard
Operating system not found
T Run the BIOS Setup Utility to check if the fixed disk and drive
A are properly identified.
T CD/DVD-ROM drive
T Hard disk drive
T Mainboard
Power-on indicator turns off and LCD is
T Power source (battery pack and power adapter.) See “Power
System Check” on page 89.
T Ensure every connector is connected tightly and correctly.
T Reconnect the DIMM
T Mainboard
Power-on indicator turns on and LCD
is blank.
T Power source (battery pack and power adapter.) See “Power
System Check” on page 89.
T Reconnect the LCD connector
T Hard disk drive
T LCD cable
T LCD inverter board
T Mainboard
Power-on indicator turns on and LCD
is blank. But you can see POST on an
external CRT.
T Reconnect the LCD connectors.
T LCD cable
T LCD inverter board
T Mainboard
Power-on indicator turns on and a
blinking cursor shown on LCD during
T Ensure every connector is connected tightly and correctly.
T Mainboard
Failure Fixed Disk
T Reconnect the hard disk drive connector.
T Run “Load Setup Defaults” in BIOS Setup Utility.
T Hard disk drive
T Mainboard