7-10 User’s Manual
Acer Perú S.A.
Calle Paz Soldán 170 Of. 502-503
San Isidro, Lima, Perú
Telephone: (511) 442-3505
Fax: (511) 441-2592
Acer de Venezuela
Edificio ACER
(Antiguo Edif. Tiuna Films)
Boleita, Norte
Caracas, Venezuela
Telephone: (582) 232-3341
Facsimile: (582) 232-8277
Acer Computec Latino América,
S.A. de C.V.
Berruguete No. 25,
Patriotismo y Mixcoac Col. Nonoalco Mixcoac
México, D.F. 03700
Telephone: (525) 627-9400
Facsimile: (525) 627-9401
Acer Africa Pty. Ltd.
Private Bag X28
Halfway House 1685
South Africa
Telephone: 27-11-314-2807
Facsimile: 27-11-314-2789
You can also contact the local dealer or distributor in the country you are
traveling in for assistance.
If you are connected to the Internet and have World Wide Web
access, visit our home page (http://www.acer.com/) and get an
updated list of our worldwide offices, as well as information
about our products.