Major Chips Description 2-83
Table 2-14 NS87336VJG Pin Descriptions (continued)
Pin No. I/O Description
IORCHDY 51 O I/O Channel Ready. When IORCHDY is driven low, the EPP extends
the host cycle.
IRQ3, 4
IRQ12, 15
(PnP Mode)
99, 98
66, 58
I/O Interrupt 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 15. This pin can be a totem-
pole output or an open-drain output. The interrupt can be sourced by
one of the following: UART1 and/or UART2, parallel port, FDC,
SIRQI1 pin, SIRQI2 pin or SIRQI3 pin.
IRQ5 is multiplexed with ADRATE0.
IRQ12 is multiplexed with /DSR2 and IRRX2.
IRQ15 is multiplexed with SIRQI1.
IRQ3, 4
(Legacy Mode)
99, 98 O Interrupt 3 and 4. These are active high interrupts associated with
the serial ports. IRQ3 presents the signal if the serial channel ahs
been designated as COM2 or COM4. IRQ4 presents the signal if the
serial port is designated as COM1 or COM3. The interrupt is reset
low (inactive ) after the appropriate interrupt service routine is
(Legacy Mode)
96 I/O Interrupt 5. Active high output that indicates a parallel port interrupt.
When enabled, this pin follows the /ACK signal input. When it is noe
enabled, this signal is tri-state. This pin ia I/O only when ECP is
enabled, and IRQ5 is configured.
(Legacy Mode)
95 O Interrupt 6. Active high output to signal the completion of the
execution phase for certain FDC commands. Also used to signal
when a data transfer is ready during a non-DMA operation.
(Legacy Mode)
94 I/O Interrupt 7. Active high output that indicates a parallel port interrupt.
When enabled, this signal follows the /ACK signal intput. When it is
not enabled, this signal is tri-state. This pin is I/O only when ECP is
enabled, and IRQ7 is configured.
65, 66 I IrDA or SHARP- Infrared Receive. One of these pins is the infrared
serial data input.
IRRX1 is multiplexed with SIN2.
IRRX2 is multiplexed with /DSR2 and IRQ12.
IRTX 63 O Infrared Transmit. Infrared serial data output. Software configuration
selects either IrDA or Sharp-IR protocol.
This pin is multiplexed with SOUT2/BOUT/CFG0.
MR 100 I Master Reset. Active high output that resets the controller to the idle
state and resets all disk interface outputs to their inactive states. The
DOR, DSR, CCR, Mode command, Configure command, and Lock
command parameters are cleared to their default values. The
Specify command parameters are not affected