Service Guide 5-5
Table 5-2 Self Test Error Messages
Error Message Explanation
Press F1 to continue
This message tells you that an error was found during self test execution. Press F1
to attempt to reboot the computer.
Save-to-Disk file is too
This message occurs when you add memory. Use the MS-DOS program PHDISK
to increase the size of the save-to-disk file.
Save-to-disk file is
Use the MS-DOS program PHDISK to create a new save-to-disk file.
Swap File is missing Use the MS-DOS program PHDISK to create a new swap file. Self Test Beep Error Messages
In the event of a hardware problem that affects the display, the Notebook also communicates errors
via a series of beeps. These codes may be heard over the system's speaker as three bursts of
beeps. The interpretation of the beep codes is provided in Table 5-3.
To recover from a self test error, try cycling power to the computer. Also, press Ctrl-Alt-Esc to
ensure that the Setup configuration is correct. In general, most of the failures are associated with the
Motherboard and may require board removal/replacement.
Table 5-3 Self Test Beep Messages
Beep Code Port 80h Description
None 01h CPU Register Test in Progress
1-1-3 02h CMOS Write/Read Failure
1-1-4 03h ROM BIOS Checksum Failure
1-2-1 04h Programmable Interval Timer Failure
1-2-2 05h DMA Initialization Failure
1-2-3 06h DMA Page Register Write/Read Failure
1-3-1 08h DRAM Refresh Verification Failure
None 09h 1ST 64K RAM Test in Progress
1-3-3 0Ah 1ST 64K RAM Chip or Data line Failure
1-3-4 0Bh 1ST 64K RAM Odd/Even Logic Failure
1-4-1 0Ch Address Line Failure, 1ST 64K RAM
1-4-2 0Dh Parity Failure, 1ST 64K RAM
2-1-1 10h Bit 0, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
2-1-2 11h Bit 1, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
2-1-3 12h Bit 2, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
2-1-4 13h Bit 3, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
2-2-1 14h Bit 4, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
2-2-2 15h Bit 5, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
2-2-3 16h Bit 6, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
2-2-4 17h Bit 7, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
2-3-1 18h Bit 8, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
2-3-2 19h Bit 9, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
2-3-3 1Ah Bit A, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
2-3-4 1Bh Bit B, 1ST 64K RAM Failure