ASM 7.0 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
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Acer Confidential
# ./withism.sh
When finished, sensors-detect will configure the lm85 sensors to /etc/lm85.conf and /etc/rc*.
You could execute “sensors” in a terminal window of Linux to check if lmsensor package has been
installed properly. If the lmsensor package has been successfully installed on system, the H/W sensor
reading will response on screen when you execute “sensors” command.
4. How do I install ASM 7.0 build 200L (or later) in Linux?
ANSWER: Please follow the instructions to install ASM 7.0 build 200 L (or later) in Linux below.
a. Insert ASM 7.0 build 200L CDROM
b. Install ASM 7.0
Login as root
# mount /mnt/cdrom
# cd /mnt/cdrom/Linux/Server/RedHat
# ./install-server.py
5. Is there any guideline to install ASM 7.0 Administrator Console in Windows?
ANSWER: The ASM 7.0 Administrator Console installation SOP is as following:
a. Insert ASM 7.0 CD
b. Select “Local install”
c. Select “Administrator Console Install”
d. Input the password for Certificate (8 characters at least)
e. Follow the step in screen to finish the installation and then reboot system
NOTE 1: Please make sure the IP address is set properly in advance
NOTE 2: For Linux system, please mount ASM 7.0 CDROM and then execute ./setup from
/mnt/cdrom/ism/Software folder. For the details, please refer to No. 13 above.
6. How do I install ASM 7.0 Administrator Console in Linux?
ANSWER: Please follow the instructions below to install ASM 7.0 Administrator Console in Linux.
a. Check “everything” in package selection for Linux installation option.
b. Configure NIC and make sure it works well
c. Install MySQL-3.23.58-1.i386.rpm
# rpm -ivh --nodeps --force MySQL-3.23.58-1.i386.rpm
(Can be downloaded from
d. Set mysql service as “Start”
Click “Main Menu” -> “System Settings” -> “Server Settings” -> “Services”
Find mysql and then check the box. Save it.
e. Create a new account with password (e.g. “ismdev” account with “ismdev” password)
f. Configure mysql